AirTM that is and how it works Is it safe and reliable? Let's solve these doubts, because there are many who wish to exchange their money between the different processors (exchange), as well as change your dollars to local currency.
It offers money services in the cloud, which protects against inflation while preserving its value. Valid for all countries, it is presented as a solution to move our money safely.
It manages a system of ATMs, which are certified persons which have large balances between different payment processors. He benefit of the company rightly comes from small commissions for each transaction made between ATMs and customers.
What AirTM is it and how does it work?
AirTM is new payment processor founded in 2015 by two young people
entrepreneurs: Ruben Galindo Steckel and Antonio Garcia. Was created
as an application of Uphold, platform of money in the cloud that
allows anyone to save or move money.
It is present in 190 countries with more than 90 thousand successful transactions. Us
serves 3 important goals within online business.
1. Exchange money among the most popular payment processors such as: PayPal, Payoneer, Neteller, Payza, Skrill and gift cards Amazon.
2. Withdraw our dollars to local currency. It can be done in two forms, you can use a local bank account or the Payoneer.
3. Verify PayPal with the Uphold virtual card.
Is AirTM reliable?
In relation to my experience of use and by what is said in the network I can say yes, AirTM is reliable and safe to operate. In little more than 1 year they have carried out more than 90 thousand successful transactions, which already says much of the company.
They work with serious and certified people, since all my operations have been completed without problems. In any case, it has a system of claim in case something went wrong, a friendly and efficient technical support, always ready to collaborate.
Uphold shows all its transactions in real time, which contributes value to customers. The platform trust makes all
transactions between customers and ATMs are safe, traceable and transparent.
Conclusions and personal opinion
It is a novel platform, transparent and above all very useful, since it allows us to have money in the processor that we want. On the other hand, we can also change our dollars to local currency direct to our bank.
Solve problems such as being able to spend money between PayPal and Payoneer, for example. Not only that, Uphold allows us to create a virtual Mastercard with which we can verify our PayPal.
Technical support is another important point as they always respond in an amble and precise way. There is also a live chat and social networks like your facebook page, where they respond instantly.